surfaceFieldValue is not exporting fields using sampledSurface
I am trying to save the velocity, pressure and rho on a rectangular surface. The surface is imported to OpenFOAM as STL file in the triSurface/constant.
These lines are added to the the contolDict file
type surfaceFieldValue;
libs ("");
log true;
surfaceFormat foam;
writeControl writeTime;
timeStart 0;
writeInterval 1 ;
writeFields yes; // yes | no
writeArea yes;
regionType sampledSurface;
name sampledSurface;
type sampledTriSurfaceMesh;
surface c-rect0.125c.stl;
source cells; // sample cells or boundaryFaces
interpolate true;
operation none;
fields (p);
The output log file does not show any problems with reading the function
surfaceFieldValue surfaceFieldValue1: operation = none surfaceFormat = foam
The files output in the postProcessing folder is not including the surface directory for saved data only folder name (surfaceFieldValue1) is generated contain one file (surfaceFieldValue.dat)
What could be the problem?is there a limit for STL file size? but also not error are shown