UMean is not found for acousticDampingSource calculations
I am currently trying to apply acoustic Damping source to a part of the computational domain surrounding aerofoil. I am using rhoPimpleFoam solver for a 3-D computational domain with cyclic boundary conditions in the span-wise direction (Z-direction).
The following Lines are added in the fvOptions
type acousticDampingSource;
active yes;
// timeStart 0.004;
duration 1000.0;
selectionMode all;
// selectionMode cellZone;
// cellZone selectedCells;
origin (0.2 0 0);
radius1 0.5;
radius2 0.54;
frequency 1000;
U U;
URef UMean;
The error message produced is that indicating that the UMean is not found although they are present in the time history data
#0 Foam::error::printStack(Foam::Ostream&)[3]
request for volVectorField UMean from objectRegistry region0 failed
available objects of type volVectorField are
4(wallShearStress U_0 U U_0_0)
[3] From function const Type& Foam::objectRegistry::lookupObject(const Foam::word&, bool) const [with Type = Foam::GeometricField<Foam::Vector<double>, Foam::fvPatchField, Foam::volMesh>]
[3] in file /data/openFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1906/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude/objectRegistryTemplates.C at line 464.
I do not know why the ONLY seen vectorFields are only (wallShearStress U_0 U U_0_0), although, there are other vectorFields like wallShearStressMean,UMean,vorticity,vorticityMean?
Edited by zein elserfy