more consistent version output
Currently output the WM_PROJECT_VERSION in the top banner, but probably more reasonable to have the current API value instead.
Can recover the WM_PROJECT_VERSION in the "Build: ... " output.
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- Author Maintainer
- Author Maintainer
Updated form would look like this:
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ | ========= | | | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox | | \\ / O peration | Version: 2106 | | \\ / A nd | Website: | | \\/ M anipulation | | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Build : ea12bfdb0f-20210517 OPENFOAM=2106 patch=210414 version=marks-develop
where "marks-develop" is the value of WM_PROJECT_VERSION at compile-time.
So can recover the needed information from the output build string, but still have the API value (eg, 2106) instead of the version in the header.
The modification in build string is fine, but for the customer in the header we will need to stick to the usual naming ( Version: WM_PROJECT_VERSION). Nevertheless, not against the change for the header as long as we can customize it afterward
- Author Maintainer
Will defer the decision until after release.
- Mark OLESEN changed milestone to %v2112
changed milestone to %v2112
- Author Maintainer
@SBlume - would it be possible (easy) for you to also handle grabbing the version from the "Build:" line as being the more definite value? Do you need to grab it from the log files, or from generated output fields etc?
@mark - Thanks for asking! We don't grab the version at all, so we're fine with your suggested change to move the "Version" from the header to the "Build" line.
- Mark OLESEN mentioned in commit 270f2eec
mentioned in commit 270f2eec
- Mark OLESEN closed