Losing heat in chtMultiRegionFoam
While running a conjugate heat transfer case with chtMultiRegionFoam, I noticed that the temperature in one of the regions is not being kept constant as would be expected by the setup. This seems to have been introduced during v2012 (and persists with v2106) but was working fine in v2006.
Over the time period of the example case, the temperature loses approx 0.5% of the correct value.
Steps to reproduce
For the example case, simply run the bash script provided (./run). The probe files in the postProcessing folder demonstrate the issue.
Example case
Simple two region problem involving only solids. testCase.tar.gz
What is the current bug behaviour?
The example 1D case is very simple / not particularly physically realistic but demonstrates the issue. In region 2, I have set it up so that the initial temperature is very small (1e-6) and applied zero gradient boundaries at either end.
The temperature in region 2 should remain constant, but it reduces instead.
I have included the temperature probe file for region 2 (postProcessing/probes2/block2/0/T) produced by v2006 and v2012. The v2006 results are what I would expect, given double precision, whereas the v2012 results are strange.
What is the expected correct behavior?
Temperature in region 2 remains constant.
Relevant logs and/or images
Environment information
- OpenFOAM version : 2012 and 2106
- Operating system : Debian 9.4 Virtual Machine
- Hardware info : PC (sorry, don't know any info that would be useful here)
- Compiler : gcc and g++ 6.3.0