Tabulated thermo - limited number of rows in table for cp
The following error was found in the tabulated thermo library. If I enter cp as a table with three rows
( 290 1022.984)
(1200 1346.857)
(2000 1575.358)
, then everything is OK. If I increase the number of rows in Cp table
( 290 1022.984)
(1200 1346.857)
(1300 1378.296)
(2000 1575.358)
, then the thermo.correct() utility converge to nonphysical results ( boundary condition - cold side 1300, hot side 1800 K)
Temperature 900.279 out of range (1200 2000)
for nonUniformTable rho
From Foam::label Foam::nonUniformTable::index(Foam::scalar, Foam::scalar) const
in file thermophysicalFunctions/nonUniformTable/nonUniformTableThermophysicalFunctionI.H at line 41.
If I correct the table for rho (adding lower values), then I get the following error
Temperature 3518.76 out of range (290 2000)
for nonUniformTable Cp
- OpenFOAM version :v2106
- Operating system :OpenSuSE
- Hardware info :
- Compiler :clang The test case is attached buoyantCavityt.tar.xz
With regards