waves distorted with overCompressibleInterDyMFoam
The compressible variant of the overset multiphase solver overCompressibleInterDyMFoam strongly distorts waves propagating through the domain. The incompressible solver overInterDyMFoam does not show this behavior.
Steps to reproduce
Generate an "empty" overset grid where no body is present within the overset region. The empty overset region is nested in the background region, for example:
Setup the wave simulation using the constant/waveProperties dict, and wave generation boundary conditions waveAlpha and waveVelocity.
Simulate using the overInterDyMFoam and overCompressibleInterDyMFoam solvers for comparison.
Example case
What is the current bug behaviour?
The wave field is distorted and does not resemble the expected wave profile when compared to something like Stokes 5th order theory.
What is the expected correct behavior?
The wave field should be the same as with the incompressible solver and similar to the expected wave profile.
Relevant logs and/or images
Environment information
- OpenFOAM version : v2106
- Operating system : ubuntu
- Compiler : gcc