Simulation With cyclicACMI Scale factors crash with mesh motion
OpenFOAM Version : 2012 OS : Ubuntu 20.04 GCC : gcc v6.3
Test case has been attached herewith to reproduce the error. There are total 4 domains
- Long rectangular volume with mesh motion
- 1st Cube interfacing with Domain 1
- 2nd Cube interfacing Domain 2 and 4
- 3rd Cube interfacing with Domain 3 and with outlet BC
cyclicACMI interfaces are used between Domain 1-2, 2-3 and 3-4. Scale factors are used for cyclicACMI interface between 3-4. Even for small change in scalefactor from 1 leads to divergence.
It has been tested with ideal gas, tabulatedEOS, SSTkW, KE models, small timesteps etc. (TabulatedEOS from
Pressure goes outside of the bounds. If dynamicmeshDict is removed from constant folder case runs well.
I suspect there is some bug in scale factor module introduced in the v2012. I wanted to ask if this observation is expected as I dont know complete limitations of this new capability and if not is there any quick fix to this issue ? Thanks Amod Khardekar