Something wrong in humidityTemperatureCoupledMixed Boundary
@Sergio Dear Prof. Sergio, Recently, I am using humidityTemperatureCoupledMixed Boundary and try to make some modification with different condensation model. However, some part of the code was confusion.
The default drop-wise type of condensation was modeled, but the units in the formula should be Celsius and not Kelvin. The attachment is provided in the email for confirmation. [BERGMAN T L, LAVINE A S. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 8th Edition, 2017,page 632]
In lately .C file in site, the "alpha" in line 740, the "valueFraction" in line 742 and the "refValue" in line 744 are hard to understand. May I get the physical meaning of these variables?
I try to use E-mail to connect the Prof. Sergio, but the email( on website was not able to receive. I deeply appreciate your time and consideration for these issues, and any kind of information or instructions can help me a lot.