cross compile minGw64 (using OpenSUSE) - More Information required
Hello to the OF-Development Team,
I have been trying to cross-compile OpenFOAM-v2206 on OpenSUSE Leap 15.4 for Windows, and I have a couple of questions...:
- The documentation in the Wiki for Windows Cross-Compile does not mention anything specific about how the parallel library (msmpi) is handled. Following the instructions in the Wiki for OpenSUSE lands up with a error that "mpi.h" cannot be found. What exactly needs to be done to get msmpi into OpenSUSE during the compile phase?
- While compiling the test application, under "platforms", I get the folder "linux64MingwDPInt32Opt", where as, the Windows Version which can be downloaded from the OpenFOAM Website has the folder "win64MingwDPInt32Opt"... Why is there this difference?
- What else do I need to take care of while cross-compiling OpenFOAM for Windows in OpenSUSE?
I would appreciate any help that could be provided. The reason why I am trying to cross compile OpenFOAM is due to the fact that we have some in-house libraries and solvers which also need to be ported, when switching to the Windows version of OpenFOAM.
Thank you very much.