Abnormal velocity near the wall on overset mesh
I tried to use the developed version(feature-overset-couplepatch) to simlulate a wall-contact problem for piston-like flow. The object in this case has no motion (it is set by zero amplitude of periodic motion) so that the pressure should be constant and velocity is zero on both sides of the object. However, a false velocity near the wall contact area is computed. Similar phenomena occurs when the amplitude is set non-zero(e.g. 0.2) for periodic motion.
The abnormal velocity is next to the porous cell. The velocity from the donor may be ill-calculated in this region.
Steps to reproduce
Example case
Here is the case file. wallcontact-zeromotion.zip
What is the current bug behaviour?
The abnormity of the velocity near the wall corner occurs at the very first timestep and it is increased with the time step.
What is the expected correct behavior?
The velocity near the wall corner should be zero.
Relevant logs and/or images
Attach here is the results from the first timestep.
Courant Number mean: 0.671294 max: 0.75 Time = 0.01
inverseDistance : detected 2 mesh regions zone:0 nCells:1875 voxels:(400 400 1) bb:(-0.5 -0.5 0) (0.5 0.5 0.05) zone:1 nCells:501 voxels:(400 400 1) bb:(-0.5 -0.5 0) (0.5 0.5 0.05) void Foam::cellCellStencils::inverseDistance::findHoles(const Foam::globalIndex&, const Foam::fvMesh&, const labelList&, const labelListList&, Foam::labelList&) const : Starting hole flood filling void Foam::cellCellStencils::inverseDistance::findHoles(const Foam::globalIndex&, const Foam::fvMesh&, const labelList&, const labelListList&, Foam::labelList&) const : Starting hole cells : 97 void Foam::cellCellStencils::inverseDistance::findHoles(const Foam::globalIndex&, const Foam::fvMesh&, const labelList&, const labelListList&, Foam::labelList&) const : Marked internal hole boundaries : 143 void Foam::cellCellStencils::inverseDistance::findHoles(const Foam::globalIndex&, const Foam::fvMesh&, const labelList&, const labelListList&, Foam::labelList&) const : Marked all hole boundaries : 143 void Foam::cellCellStencils::inverseDistance::findHoles(const Foam::globalIndex&, const Foam::fvMesh&, const labelList&, const labelListList&, Foam::labelList&) const : Determined regions : 12 void Foam::cellCellStencils::inverseDistance::findHoles(const Foam::globalIndex&, const Foam::fvMesh&, const labelList&, const labelListList&, Foam::labelList&) const : Done local analysis void Foam::cellCellStencils::inverseDistance::findHoles(const Foam::globalIndex&, const Foam::fvMesh&, const labelList&, const labelListList&, Foam::labelList&) const : Converted stencil into compact form void Foam::cellCellStencils::inverseDistance::findHoles(const Foam::globalIndex&, const Foam::fvMesh&, const labelList&, const labelListList&, Foam::labelList&) const : Gathered region type void Foam::cellCellStencils::inverseDistance::findHoles(const Foam::globalIndex&, const Foam::fvMesh&, const labelList&, const labelListList&, Foam::labelList&) const : Interpolated region type void Foam::cellCellStencils::inverseDistance::findHoles(const Foam::globalIndex&, const Foam::fvMesh&, const labelList&, const labelListList&, Foam::labelList&) const : Determined regions changed : 0 void Foam::cellCellStencils::inverseDistance::findHoles(const Foam::globalIndex&, const Foam::fvMesh&, const labelList&, const labelListList&, Foam::labelList&) const : Finished hole flood filling : 0
Environment information
- OpenFOAM version :v2112 feature-overset
- Operating system :ubuntu 20.04
- Hardware info :
- Compiler :gcc 9