"Clean" build fails with ThirdParty MPI
When doing a build on
- a clean system
- with a ThirdParty MPI-implementation
- ThirdParty-packages that depend on that MPI
the compilation of packages depending on MPI fails because thw path to the MPI-implementation is not in the environment variables
This happens because during the first sourcing of the etc/bashrc
the MPI-Implementation is not there and the variables are therefor not set
Steps to reproduce
This happens for instance when loading the sources into a docker image where only the bare minimum for compiling is installed (no system-MPI) and running the $WM_PROJECT_DIR/Allwmake
What is the current bug behaviour?
Compilation runs through but some decomposition methods (like Scotch) are missing
What is the expected correct behavior?
Compilation runs through (including Scotch et al)
Environment information
- OpenFOAM version : OpenFOAM v2306 but also 221 and 2206 (didn't try older)
- Operating system : Unix-like
- Hardware info : any
- Compiler : any
Possible fixes
This can be fixed by sourcing the config.sh/mpi after the compilation of the MPI-implementation in the ThirdParty-Allwmake.
the patch resourceEtcBashrc.patch applies this patch to the ThirdParty-2306