Coordinating SIG/TCT git repository location
Hi, at the Joint TC meeting on the 4th, we've discussed migrating to a shared git space for the various SIGs/TCs. Turbulence, HPC and ML committees agreed that it would be a good idea, with the target space being under the new @andy also said previously that this would be a good idea. Moreover, the SIG-RS is already under
Some issues that were raised:
- We may need more than 1 repo per committee.
- We should have sufficient permissions to not have to bug OpenCFD devs about them.
Let's discuss things here and try to quickly come up with a suitable solution. I guess the second point should be easy to arrange. The first one, I'm not entirely sure. Is a "subgroup" under the "community" group, a good solution? So, a TC owns a subgroup and can create/manage repos there? I'm not very familiar with Gitlab :-).