Add Allwclean missing (inside some libraries to clean dependencies)
Functionality to add/problem to solve
Add files to clean all the compiled dependencies for each library
Target audience
OpenFOAM developers
Add the missing cleaning script; For example: (1) in transportModels, create a Allwclean such as:
cd "${0%/*}" || exit # Run from this directory
wclean twoPhaseMixture
wclean interfaceProperties
wclean twoPhaseProperties
wclean incompressible
wclean compressible
wclean immiscibleIncompressibleTwoPhaseMixture
wclean geometricVoF
(2) or in thermophysicalModels, create a Allwclean such as:
cd "${0%/*}" || exit # Run from this directory
wclean specie
wclean solidSpecie
wclean thermophysicalProperties
wclean basic
wclean reactionThermo
wclean laminarFlameSpeed
wclean chemistryModel
wclean barotropicCompressibilityModel
wclean SLGThermo
wclean solidThermo
wclean solidChemistryModel
wclean radiation
What does success look like, and how can we measure that?
I am not sure how to measure success, sorry
Thanks, Gabi