Evaporation of two liquid phases using icoReactingMultiphaseInterFoam
The Solver I used is the icoReactingMultiphaseInterFoam V2306, the Ubuntu version is 20.04.
I try to simulate two different liquid droplets, i.e., liquid1 and liquid2, evaporating to the gas phase. If I set two liquid droplets, the vapor of the liquid, i.e., vapor1, occurs in both two locations, see the picture(the same as vapor2). Physically, vapor1 should occur in location 1 and vapour2 should occur at location 2.
I found the code to calculate the massSpeciesTransfer in multiphaseInter::MassTransferPhaseSystem.C. No matter what species is transferred from the liquid phase (liquid1 or liquid2), the value of Su is the same.
The attached is the setting case.debug.tar.gz