windshieldDefrost tutorial
WindshieldDefrost tutorial in OF v3.0+ and OF v1606+ doesn't work properly and after several seconds collapses. When the prepared tutorial for windshield defrost is started using prepared Allrun-parallel script, the computation every time collapses around 30 second of computational time. The temperature undershoot (-2563.586753 K) or overshoot occurs for ice region and it spreads to exterior region. It doesn't help when the Courant number parameter is changed from 5 to 1. Even the minimization (several value test) of relaxation parameter in ice/fvSolution doesn't work. The play with the mesh size also wasn't too successful. Changes in p-rgh and U/h solver tolerance don't save the solution.
Attached the log file for the solver from the original windshield defrost case running in OF v1606+. No changes were done in this variant. - impossible to attache