BUG: finite-area: parallel inconsistency in non-orthogonal correction vectors
The edgeInterpolation::makeCorrectionVectors()
disables the non-orthogonality correction if the calculated non-orthogonality coefficient is below 0.1. However, this activation routine (edgeInterpolation.C#L503) only considers internal edges, and excludes any processor edges.
Steps to reproduce
Execute Test-faMesh-edgeInterpolation.zip on finite-area-test-case-correctionVectors.zip in serial and parallel modes, and compare the output flag that enables/disables the non-orthogonality correction calculations.
Environment information
- api = 2406
- HEAD = e4f4c73b
- compiler = Clang (system) = clang version 15.0.7
- mpi = SYSTEMOPENMPI = mpirun (Open MPI)
- OS = Description: openSUSE Leap 15.5
- opts = linux64ClangDPInt32Opt