ENH: turbulentMixingLengthDissipationRateInlet Cmu lookup for realizableKE
In turbulentMixingLengthDissipationRateInletFvPatchScalarField.C Cmu appears to be looked up or defaulted to a constant of 0.09...
// Lookup Cmu corresponding to the turbulence model selected
const turbulenceModel& turbModel = db().lookupObject<turbulenceModel>
const scalar Cmu =
turbModel.coeffDict().lookupOrDefault<scalar>("Cmu", 0.09);
It looks like Cmu is being looked up from the turbulence dictionary in turbulenceProperties. However, for turbulence models like realizableKE where Cmu is not constant, I think Cmu should be looked up from the turbulence model itself. Am I reading this correctly? Thoughts?
## Reattaching the author to the issue ticket: @graups ##