BUG: SHM can't resolve wall boundary near faceZone
When used with new mutli-location method:
When old style is used (defining single locationInMesh, and using faceZone+cellZone combination for HX)
The single wall thick (baffles) are never resolved as walls (HX_CAC_FRAME.stl)
This might be cirtical to block the flow for inclided HX, unless there is any other family blocking the flow from sides.
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- Maintainer
What is it different from your simple testcase that we debugged the multi-region handling with? That contained a stand-alone faceZone.
- Author Developer
The difference is:
In these cases, there is a cellZone nearby the faceZone.
The target is to have heat exchanger (cellZone), all surrounding enclosures (faceZone) and also adjacent frame (four sides) as wall.
In OF23x, the wall on frame is available, whereas in plus version, there is only faceZone. Although a separate geometry is provided (duplicate) to make as wall.
- Maintainer
Does it work with single locationInMesh (i.e. is plus backwards compatible)?
- Author Developer
No, it doesn't.
Probably the reason being allocation of faces to faceZone/baffle.
- Maintainer
Small remark: your stl files have a 'color' entry in them. This makes them unreadable by paraview.
- Author Developer
Ok! Thanks for the note. :)
Edited by Prashant Sonakar - Maintainer
- From what I can see the behaviour for the attached case1 with
- multiple locationsInMesh + no faceZones seems to be correct:
- no cells inside the frame (there is no locationsInMesh inside the frame)
- faces inbetween cellZones get automatically allocated to a synthesised faceZone (and this takes precedence over any surface intersection)
- I'll try the case with a single locationInMesh + faceZones
- Author Developer
@Roger : the topic you are interesting in
Was there any update on this Mattijs?
- Maintainer
No update. Can you post the case with the single locationInMesh syntax?
- Author Developer
Attached the case with singleLocationInMesh syntax case2.tgz
- Maintainer
Am getting a failure:
- Maintainer
- Maintainer
- the geometry has coincident faceZone geometry and normal patch geometry
- both versions produce the same faceZone and cellZone. The difference is in the patching.
- 23x allows this (so the are boundary faces in the faceZone) and this causes the 'frames' of the geometry to become empty. However the patching is bad - it has gaps in it.
- in dev: faceZone seems to 'win'. Now the regioning walks into the frames and they become part of the mesh (but luckily not in the cellZone)
- Author Developer
After retaining single instance of geometry for frames and using locationsInMesh for multi-domain
however, probably due to 'faceZone' definition of frames, the cells inside rectangular cavity of frame is not removed.
Attached the case for reference:case3.tgz - Author Developer
Simple example case is attached. twoRegions.tgz
It contains two boxes sharing an interface. One of the box is defined as cellZone whereas the other is wall.
But the mesh penetrates inside part2 box.
- Maintainer
I am running with 23x as comparion: ~/OpenFOAM/mattijs-plus/run/Customers/ESI/Prashant/test_gitlab66/twoRegions_23x/
Can you check the 23x faceZone? That looks strange.
- Maintainer
I put the locationInMesh outside both boxes and changed two of the layer settings so it runs in 23x.
- Maintainer
Hi Prashant,
can you try attached version of src/mesh/snappyHexMesh/meshRefinement/meshRefinementBaffles.C ? Maybe also on some more complex cases?
I've changed the logic so any unassigned mesh-region (so no locationInMesh or a closed surface with a cellZone/faceZone) will stay unassigned (and so get removed). This was the default behaviour in 23x.
- Author Developer
But this doesn't seem to work when the point is within one of the boxes (original files)
- Mattijs Janssens mentioned in commit ccac7d67dd446e5cc0b67aaa4f0d07094398f99f
mentioned in commit ccac7d67dd446e5cc0b67aaa4f0d07094398f99f