An error occurred while fetching participants.
isoAdvector : Wrong parameter read in fvSolution. vof2IsoTol is expected by the sources. isoFaceTol is used in all tutorials.
In the source file ./finiteVolume/fvMatrices/solvers/isoAdvection/isoAdvection/isoAdvection.C, the parameter vof2IsoTol is read in fvSolution dictionary. See line 83 :
78 // Interpolation data
79 ap_(mesh_.nPoints()),
81 // Tolerances and solution controls
82 nAlphaBounds_(dict_.lookupOrDefault<label>("nAlphaBounds", 3)),
83 vof2IsoTol_(dict_.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("vof2IsoTol", 1e-8)),
84 surfCellTol_(dict_.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("surfCellTol", 1e-8)),
85 gradAlphaBasedNormal_
86 (
87 dict_.lookupOrDefault<bool>("gradAlphaNormal", false)
88 ),
However, in all tutorials in $FOAM_TUTORIALS/multiphase/interIsoFoam, the parameter "isoFaceTol" is specified in fvSolution files, instead of vof2IsoTol.
The consequence of this bug is that the parameter "isoFaceTol" specified in fvSolution of the tutorials cases is never used. The vof2IsoTol expected by the sources (instead of "isoFaceTol") is always taken at its default value, so 1.e-8.
The correction is simple :
- Either correct all tutorials and replace isoFaceTol by vof2IsoTol, and leave the sources unchanged
- Or correct the sources to replace vof2IsoTol by isoFaceTol, and leave the tutorials unchanged
Lionel GAMET