Unit tests: 06-06-2018
- multiphase/interDyMFoam/RAS/motorBike should move to interFoam
- multiphase/interFoam/RAS/DTCHullWave :
- inlet BC expects entry 'value' - field alpha.water
- call for setWaves application, which doesn't exist
- lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/verticalChannelLTS : solver exit with maxIter 100
unconfirmed completions
- compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/gasMixing/injectorPipe: solver
cases run at /home/alex2/prashant/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-plus.feature-xxx/tutorialsTest
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- Mattijs Janssens mentioned in commit 8f400c1336401984294f5dc949841b63ec151905
mentioned in commit 8f400c1336401984294f5dc949841b63ec151905
- Maintainer
Moved interDyMFoam motorBike tutorial. It'll still fail but that is a separate issue (857).
- Developer
interDyMFoam motorBike tutorial: I switched off mergePatchFaces and it runs.
multiphase/interFoam/RAS/DTCHullWave : added value but still needs setWaves
lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/verticalChannelLTS: It runs fine
compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/gasMixing/injectorPipe: Problem with FO surfMeshes. (sampledTriSurfaceMesh). The case runs fine. Error:
- Developer
NOTE: For the interDyMFoam motorBike, I needed to set addLayers false in the snappy dictionary
- Developer
I pushed the stabilizationScheme FO. I added it to the motorBike tutorial as it is the best one to show it.
- Maintainer
@Sergio Can you add it to another case instead?
- Developer
I think it is a good example and it converges to the same values with a more linear scheme. Do you think it is not a good tutorial?
- Maintainer
Is good testcase but used in all trainings so we don't want to modify it.
- Author Developer
Few failures for inconsistent dimensions LHS != RHS during solver
- compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/LES/pitzDaily
- compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/laminar/sineWaveDamping
- incompressible/shallowWaterFoam/squareBump
Edited by Admin - Prashant Sonakar mentioned in commit 5a127183c8fe53192afe94e9f671a3356a02468e
mentioned in commit 5a127183c8fe53192afe94e9f671a3356a02468e
- Maintainer
dimensions are corrected by commit 17a8b1b
By Andrew Heather on 2018-06-18T13:20:22 (imported from GitLab project)
- Mattijs Janssens mentioned in commit 4c1da35d0d6bb437810dc9acb5f7bef4adec1100
mentioned in commit 4c1da35d0d6bb437810dc9acb5f7bef4adec1100
- Maintainer
Moved stabilisation to steady-state initialisation of LES motorBike tutorial.
- Author Developer
fileHandler - collated as well as masterUncollated form: fails in
- heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/snappyMultiRegionHeater
- multiphase/interFoam/RAS/motorBike
- mesh/parallel/cavity
- mesh/parallel/filter
Basically the redistributePar fails causing other subsequent utilities to fail.
- Maintainer
redistributePar+collated : reported as #806 (closed)
- Author Developer
- incompressible/lumpedPointMotion/building/steady/system/controlDict : Please correct application name
- incompressible/lumpedPointMotion/building/transient: Add a 'End' to parse successful completion of lumpedPointMovement
Edited by Mark OLESEN - Author Developer
- Please revisit the output for icoReactingMultiPhaseInterFoam/solidMelting2D
Selecting porousModel for : VollerPrakash Selecting interfaceCompositionModel for (solid to liquid): Lee<heSolidThermo<pureMixture<constIso<hConst<rhoConst<specie>>,sensibleEnthalpy>>>,heRhoThermo<pureMixture<const<hConst<Boussinesq<specie>>,sensibleEnthalpy>>>> Selecting turbulence model type laminar
- solidMelting2D tutorial : fails in parallel (e.g. copy motorBike tutorial decomposeParDict)
inertMultiphaseMultiComponent tutorial: setFields refer to non existing
- optional adding
icoReactingMultiPhaseInterFoam -dry-run
in this or next release
Edited by Prashant Sonakar - Mark OLESEN mentioned in commit 55dfe9124baecc52a41038020ebb1454abc6b6d2
mentioned in commit 55dfe9124baecc52a41038020ebb1454abc6b6d2
- Author Developer
- in createBaffle utility it is referring to field while creation
--> FOAM FATAL ERROR: cannot find file "/scratch-mstr/pss/projects/tutorialsTest/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/circuitBoardCooling/constant/baffle3DRegion/thermophysicalProperties
Edited by Prashant Sonakar - Maintainer
solidMelting2D :
shows up under valgrind, in particular the diagonal:DebugVar(turbulence->divDevRhoReff(U)().diag());
- also happens non-parallel
- case is laminar
Edited by Mattijs Janssens - Author Developer
- incompressible/pimpleFoam/RAS/oscillatingInletACMI2D: fails when using Allrun-parallel
incompressible/lumpedPointMotion/building/transient: 'pcorrFinal' not found in fvSolution
- correctPhi no; // transitional: behaviour as per 1712
- dynamicCode (e.g. codeStream) failures as reported in #893 (closed)
Edited by Admin - Mark OLESEN mentioned in commit ad3e086be4606ae7fac2704158c73c695d478f25
mentioned in commit ad3e086be4606ae7fac2704158c73c695d478f25
- Mattijs Janssens mentioned in issue #905 (closed)
mentioned in issue #905 (closed)
- Maintainer
@andy : have a look at #906 (closed). Seems to work ok. Feel free to check in.
- Developer
Something changed from the org, this runs fine in our develop but not in the pre-release. I am trying to find it.
In createBaffle utility it is referring to field while creation --> FOAM FATAL ERROR: cannot find file "/scratch-mstr/pss/projects/tutorialsTest/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/circuitBoardCooling/constant/baffle3DRegion/thermophysicalProperties
- Developer
The issue with /heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/circuitBoardCooling was due to a bug in the solidThermo constructor. Fix on commit bbd1836ad686045b3671. Noe the tutorial should run fine
- Author Developer
- reactingFoam/RAS/SandiaD_LTS: solver failure (logs from v1712 and v1806 are kept at /home/alex2/prashant/QA/UNIT_TESTS/OpenFOAM-test.master.test1/tmp-reactingFoam)
- incompressible/simpleFoam/turbulentFlatPlate [kEpsilon variant for yPlus 50] log.simpleFoam.kEpsilon_50
- multiphase/interFoam/RAS/DTCHullMoving: solver failure log.interFoam
Edited by Prashant Sonakar - Admin mentioned in commit 346b14b5f8f8c0f8fbefece9a3f7ce9786832788
mentioned in commit 346b14b5f8f8c0f8fbefece9a3f7ce9786832788
By Andrew Heather on 2018-06-26T11:29:46 (imported from GitLab project)
- Admin mentioned in commit e93a3b43c76f9ddde6251d2d34206c405f41dffb
mentioned in commit e93a3b43c76f9ddde6251d2d34206c405f41dffb
By Andrew Heather on 2018-06-26T11:29:46 (imported from GitLab project)
- Reporter
On DTC Hull - the build up of strange values starts on TKE. The tutorial is using blended wall function. Were there any changes from 1712?
- Maintainer
By Andrew Heather on 2018-06-28T08:35:55 (imported from GitLab project)
- Maintainer
On DTC Hull - there is a lot less layer coverage (might be featureAngle change). Will generate mesh with adapted settings. The difference in the meshes seems to be whether there are any layers at the trailing edge. If there are no layers the Courant number fluctuates massively and the velocity diverges. With layers the Co stabilises at around 3.
Edited by Mattijs Janssens - Prashant Sonakar closed