Feature dictionary scoping lvalue
- Supports using '/' within dictionary scoping, which avoids the ambiguity of having a '.' which could mean scoping, or be part of a keyword.
- General dictionary searcher classes/methods for clearer searching semantics and to enable addressing a dictionary entry as an lvalue.
- The
directive now functions across scopes - Can specify a keyword with a defined scope. If needed, any intermediate dictionaries are created.
For example,
"/boundaryField/lowerWall/type" noSlip;
"/boundaryField/newBoundary" { type fixedValue; value uniform (0 0 0); }
Manage "one-shot" change of the inputMode. For example,
#includeIfPresent "user-files"
#default value uniform 10;
#includeIfPresent "user-files"
#inputMode protect
value uniform 10;
#inputMode merge // _Assuming_ we actually had this before
Edited by Mark OLESEN