remove cyclic dependencies for phase systems
centralize more libraries in src/phaseSystemModels
avoid phaseSystem cyclic dependencies, reduce number of libraries
Previously the phaseSystems had a number of smaller libraries to provide interface and model properties. However, the cyclic dependencies between phaseSystem and the models (and turbulence) causes extreme difficultly for mingw linking. The potential additional flexibility is not actually used anywhere.
- removed: libmassTransferModels
- removed: libcompressibleMultiphaseEulerianInterfacialModels
- removed: libreactingPhaseSystem
- removed: libreactingEulerianFvPatchFields
- removed: libreactingEulerianInterfacialCompositionModels
- removed: libreactingEulerianInterfacialModels
- removed: libmultiphaseReactingTurbulenceModels
- removed: libreactingPhaseSystem
- removed: libreactingEulerianFvPatchFields
- removed: libreactingEulerianInterfacialCompositionModels
- removed: libreactingEulerianInterfacialModels
Avoid duplicate symbol for phaseCompressibleTurbulenceModels.
Common turbulence models are defined in libreactingMultiphaseSystem, and libmultiphaseReactingTurbulenceModels is now redundant.
The libtwoPhaseReactingTurbulenceModels extends the common models for reactingTwoPhaseSystem.
Edited by Mark OLESEN