ENH: turbulentDigitalFilter: Synthetic fluctuations of scalars
To enable synthetic fluctuations of scalars (e.g. temperature or contaminant concentrations) for the turbulentDigitalFilterInlet
boundary condition.
Previous status
- Produces only vector-based fluctuations
- Input entries of mean and Reynolds stresses are limited to be either constant or simple wall-normal profiles
- Contains unresolved bugs:
- #1725
- #2262 (closed)
- #2267 (closed) (Parallelisation)
- #2329 (closed) (FSM is inoperative)
- Domain rotations/translations are not possible
- Parallelisation and scaling are problematic
- Restart is problematic
- Mapping fluctuations onto an inlet patch is problematic and limited to only the nearest-cell option
- Adjustable time-step simulations are not possible
- Produces vector- or scalar-based fluctuations
- New input-entry types:
- Mean and Reynolds stresses have become
type - Time-variant input for mean and Reynolds stresses is possible
- Number of input entries have been simplified by reducing the number from 16 to 8, most of which are default valued.
- Mean and Reynolds stresses have become
- Resolves the reported bugs
- Domain rotations/translations are improved
- Users can set a local coordinate system
- Parallelisation and scaling are improved
- Restart is improved
- Mapping fluctuations onto an inlet patch is improved and generalised
- Users can select an AMI mapping method for the mapping operation
- Adjustable time-step simulations are possible for the FSM option
- Removes Taylor's frozen turbulence assumption for the streamwise integral scale calculations
Resolved bugs
#1725 #2262 (closed) #2267 (closed) #2329 (closed)

DFM - only vector

DFM - only scalar

DFM - vector+scalar

FSM - only vector

FSM - only scalar

FSM - vector+scalar

Clean compilation (incl. submodules): -
(clang11) -
Alltest: No new error
Future work - Constraints
- Test scope should be extended further for:
- Integral length scales
- Domain rotations and/or translations
- Multiphase-flow cases
- Dynamic-mesh cases
- Overset meshes
- Mesh (un)refinements
- Collated-data format
- Hybrid and single precisions
utility has no effect onboundaryData
input, which can slow down case preparations for input sets which need to be rotated/translated - Scalar-based condition
- No constraints on nonpositive output
- Scarce and ambiguous academic resources
- No cross-correlations
- Not easy to produce/find benchmark data from theory or measurements
- Usefulness is not clarified by academia
- Incomplete parallelisation of the three-dimensional separable convolution due to the lack of no open-source algorithms
The use ofredistributePar -decompose
utility is not supported.
Edited by Kutalmış Berçin