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Draft: ENH: provide field functions with inplace/non-inplace variants

Mark OLESEN requested to merge feature-inplace-FieldFunctions into develop
  • the field functions use a variety of TFOR_ALL... macros to handle the field loops. However, these all have a restrict keyword buried in the list access functions. This means that any operations with identical input and output violate the restrict contract and this may be responsible for some of odd results seen with particular compiler versions.

  • updated the macros into inplace and non-inplace versions with an additional rename. For example,


    TFOR_ALL_F_OP_FUNC_F(typeF1, f1, OP, FUNC, typeF2, f2)


    TSEQ_FORALL_F_OP_FUNC_F_inplace(f1, OP, FUNC, f2)

    The updated versions now start with a 'TSEQ_FORALL_' prefix to indicate that they roughly correspond to a std::execution::seq execution policy. The change of name is also useful since they are now also written supplying the parameter data types.

    The solution is still not necessarily optimal, since it involves a run-time check and more writing. For example,

    if (result.cdata_bytes() == f1.cdata_bytes())
        // std::for_each
        TSEQ_FORALL_F_OP_F_FUNC_inplace(result, =, f1, T)
        // std::transform
        TSEQ_FORALL_F_OP_F_FUNC(result, =, f1, T)

    However, the check is cheap and is only done once (outside of the loop).

  • possibly related to #2925, #3024, #3091, #3166

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