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BUG: READ_IF_PRESENT: return false if not read. Fixes #3193

Mattijs Janssens requested to merge issue-3193-READ_IF_PRESENT into develop

In the original change (68c5d90a)

  • processors that did not have headerOk() would still call readStream
  • if no headerOk() would still return true

We assume that

  • headerOk is synced amongst all processors
  • readStream should be called on all processors, possibly with differing argument

Went through

  • all changes in that commit
  • all containers using readOptional() (read_if_present, lazy_read)

Tested a bit:

  • original testcase from gitlab issue
  • restarting from cumulativeContErr (uniformDimensionedField)
  • restarting from GeometricField (e.g. phi)

and don't see any other problems.

If ok should be backported to master


Merge request reports