New feature extract eulerian particles
New functionality to extract particle data from multiphase calculations and replay the data in lagrangian cases, using both the raw input particle data, and data processed into a (smaller) set of injection locations.
Merge request reports
Example registry usage:
objectRegistry tmpObr ( IOobject ( "testCloudRegistry", mesh().time().timeName(), cloud::prefix, mesh().time(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ) ); const cloud& c = mesh().lookupObject<cloud>("reactingCloud1"); c.writeObjects(tmpObr); const IOField<scalar>& Cp = tmpObr.lookupObject<IOField<scalar>>("Cp"); Info<< Cp;
By Andrew Heather on 2016-11-30T17:46:03 (imported from GitLab project)
This might also be a nice time to add this, for symmetry with dictionary lookupEntryPtr:
//- Lookup and return pointer to the object of the given Type, // return nullptr if the object was not found or had the incorrect type template<class Type> const Type* lookupObjectPtr(const word& name) const; //- Lookup and return the object of the given Type, // return nullptr if the object was not found or had the incorrect type template<class Type> Type* lookupObjectPtr(const word& name);
Then use like this:
volScalarField* fieldPtr = mesh().lookupObjectPtr<volScalarField>("foo"); if (fieldPtr) { volScalarField& fld = *fieldPtr; ... }
Instead of
if (mesh().foundObject<volScalarField>("foo")) { volScalarField& fld = const_cast<volScalarField&>(mesh().lookupObject<volScalarField>("foo")); ... }
Added 3 commits:
- fed92175 - ENH: Lagrangian - added functions to add particle data as fields on an object registry
- 19856f3a - ENH: extractEulerianParticles FO - refactored to output a cloud of particles - d…
- 1dc58520 - Merge branch 'feature-extract-eulerian-particles' of…
By Andrew Heather on 2016-11-30T23:33:14 (imported from GitLab project)
Added 4 commits:
- 395c227b - STYLE: Code clean-up
- 4bab7786 - ENH: distributionModels - refactored binned and general models
- 210b2fd9 - ENH: extractEulerianParticles FO updates
- a2e8bfd8 - ENH: Initial commit of new particleDistribution FO - generates 'general' distrib…
By Andrew Heather on 2016-12-01T16:52:59 (imported from GitLab project)
Toggle commit listAdded 1 commit:
- 4de37709 - BUG: Removing code unintenionally committed
By Andrew Heather on 2016-12-01T17:00:20 (imported from GitLab project)
Added 1 commit:
- 278fd292 - ENH: Relocated injectedParticle class to lagrangian library
By Andrew Heather on 2016-12-01T17:05:01 (imported from GitLab project)
Added 14 commits:
- a32a430a - STYLE: minor spelling correction
- df784c2d - ENH: pairPatchAgglomeration - updated constructors
- 0bb6c823 - BUG: injectedParticle/Cloud updates
- 83ce1e4e - ENH: distributionModels - pass in construction dict instead of parent dict
- d430f2f2 - ENH: subModelBase - added function to get a dictionary
- 89f0b1bd - ENH: Lagrangian injection - cache volumeTotal for continuous restart
- 6d78968a - STYLE: Updated comment
- 97d32077 - BUG: Corrected coding error
- 0e885056 - ENH: extractEulerianParticles function object parallel and usability updates
- 61b056de - STYLE: Updated header documentation
- 16bef379 - ENH: Added new injectedParticleDistributionInjection lagrangian injection model
- 3c9f7349 - ENH: Added new InjectedParticleInjection lagrangian injection model
- 86835e24 - ENH: Added new injection models to intermediate and spray libraries
- c750371a - ENH: Added tutorials to show extraction of particle data from eulerian cases and…
By Andrew Heather on 2016-12-14T15:51:30 (imported from GitLab project)
Toggle commit listAdded 212 commits:
- c750371a...9b262f0a - 211 commits from branch
- 04a619f5 - GIT: Resolved conflict
By Andrew Heather on 2016-12-14T15:57:07 (imported from GitLab project)
- c750371a...9b262f0a - 211 commits from branch