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ENH: improve objectRegistry functionality (issue #322)

Mark OLESEN requested to merge feature-objectRegistry into develop
  • Recursive searching for objects within a registry is now optional (previous it was always done).

    A recursive search effectively blocks the construction of sub-sub-registries if their names are 'masked' by some parent level sub-registry with the same name! (BUG)

  • Recursive search is now turned OFF by default, which makes it consistent with dictionary and probably causes the least number of surprises.

Various new convenience methods added:


  • returns a non-const reference. For example,

    volScalarField& U = mesh().lookupObjectRef<volScalarField>("U");

    Instead of

    volScalarField& U = const_cast<volScalarField&>

-- lookupObjectPtr()

  • returns a const pointer, and nullptr on failure. For example,

    const volScalarField* Uptr = mesh().lookupObjectPtr<volScalarField>("U");
    if (Uptr)
        const volScalarField& U = *Uptr;

    Instead of

    if (mesh().foundObject<volScalarField>("U"))
        const volScalarField& U = mesh().lookupObject<volScalarField>("U");

-- lookupObjectRefPtr()

  • returns a non-const pointer, and nullptr on failure. For example,

    volScalarField* Uptr = mesh().lookupObjectRefPtr<volScalarField>("U");
    if (Uptr)
        volScalarField& U = *Uptr;  // use as reference
        (*Uptr) = ...;              // or use directly

    Instead of

    if (mesh().foundObject<volScalarField>("U"))
        volScalarField& U = const_cast<volScalarField&>

-- sortedNames()

  • now works with template parameters and with regular expression matching as well. For example,

    wordList names  = mesh().sortedNames();
    wordList fields = mesh().sortedName<volScalarField>();

    Instead of

    wordList names  = mesh().sortedNames();
    wordList fields = mesh().names<volScalarField>();


Merge request reports