The main OpenFOAM settings are located in the parent etc/
with both POSIX (bash, dash,...) and csh shells being supported.
To use OpenFOAM, source either the etc/bashrc
or the
file, as appropriate.
Configuration layers
Before launching into manually adjusting the configuration, it is
useful to first understand how OpenFOAM supports different
configuration layers. Similar to file-system permissions, we use the
notion of user, group, other categories when searching for
files. The output of foamEtcFile
can be used to obtain a quick
$ foamEtcFile -list
Both the user paths (located as $HOME/.OpenFOAM/
) and the group
paths (/path/OpenFOAM-v2406/site/
) support additional API versioning
to allow different settings between releases. The other
corresponds to the settings shipped with a particular OpenFOAM release.
Making configuration changes under the user or group directories allows you to preserve these across upgrades and makes it easier (if necessary) to revert to the original values!!
Making changes to the configuration
The first encounter with the OpenFOAM configuration files can be
somewhat intimidating. There are indeed quite a few different bits of
software related to using OpenFOAM, each of which could be available
in different preferred versions, in different possible locations and
with different conventions for naming their library directories.
Additionally it should allow individual users to make their own
configuration choices. Supporting cshell variants for everything adds
yet more files to the mix. Fortunately, the user often only needs to
make a few simple changes and can ignore most of the details and we
also provide a bin/tools/foamConfigurePaths
tool to make multiple
common changes directly from the command line. The configuration files
generally contain detailed information about which values they expect,
and the user editable part is also clearly marked as such. For
# USER EDITABLE PART: Changes made here may be lost with the next upgrade
Nonetheless, before making changes it can be useful to understand where these changes should actually be made (and why). To simplify things, we only discuss POSIX (bash), but most points apply to cshell variants as well.
The main entry point for the OpenFOAM configuration is the
file. The initial portion of the file establishes the version and contains some script magic to help us determine where the OpenFOAM directory is located. The balance of the file contains some general OpenFOAM-specific settings, which you can use for guidance but in general you should note the following:- Changes made to this
file will be lost with the next upgrade. - Overrides should defined in the
instead. See the comments section of theetc/bashrc
file for more details.
- Changes made to this
file (our entry point) passes control to theetc/
file, which dispatches the rest of the configuration actions.
The setup of the OpenFOAM environment can be described in terms of a processing tree:
source etc/bashrc [args]
|-- constants
|-- directory discovery magic
|-- defaults
|-- define OpenFOAM directory
\-- setup
|-- discovery of ThirdParty locations
|-- admin overrides ( file)
|-- user overrides ( file)
|-- user overrides (arguments)
|-- settings (compiler, os)
|-- mpi
|-- paraview
|-- vtk / mesa (llvm)
|-- CGAL / boost
|-- scotch
|-- FFTW
\-- aliases
At most locations in this process it is possible for the user to
influence the values used by providing an alternative version of the
file. For example, simply creating the file
will cause it to be found by the
mechanism during sourcing (see foamEtcFile -list
for a
reminder of which directories will be searched). Most fairly permanent
changes that affect the base configuration of OpenFOAM itself (choice
of compiler, mpi, data sizes, etc) should normally be defined in the
file. These type of changes are important enough that they
receive special treatment. Use the base or admin
file if
available as PROJECT/etc/
. This provides the system admin a
reliable location to define site-wide settings, such as for compiler
and vendor-specific MPI libraries. use the user or group if
it exists. For quick or temporary changes, the special interpretation
of arguments when sourcing the etc/bashrc are quite convenient. This
mechanism allows direct setting of variables without needing to edit
any files. For example, to source the OpenFOAM environment with a
different compiler:
source /path/to/OpenFOAM-v2406 WM_COMPILER=Clang
If the argument does not appear to be an assignment of a variable, it will attempt to resolve it as a file and then source that. This property lets the user bundle some favourite settings and temporarily switch to them. For example, by creating a few predefined configurations:
# file = $HOME/.OpenFOAM/gcc82
export WM_COMPILER_TYPE=ThirdParty
export WM_COMPILER=Gcc82
export WM_LABEL_SIZE=32
# file = $HOME/.OpenFOAM/clang50-int64
export WM_COMPILER_TYPE=ThirdParty
export WM_COMPILER=Clang50
export WM_LABEL_SIZE=64
It is then possible to easily switch between different configurations:
source /path/to/OpenFOAM-v2406 clang50-int64
source /path/to/OpenFOAM-v2406 gcc82
source /path/to/OpenFOAM-v2406 wingw
Armed with this information, the user should be able to make
adjustments to the OpenFOAM configuration with a good degree of
confidence. However, there are also times in which it can be expedient
and useful to simply change the entries directly within the OpenFOAM
directory as new permanent defaults for all users. This can also be
the case for cluster installations where the user will not require the
usual flexibility. For these cases, the bin/tools/foamConfigurePaths
tool can be helpful (and powerful). For example, when installing
without any OpenFOAM ThirdParty dependencies and additionally setting
the OpenFOAM directory to a fixed location (removing any bash
discovery magic):
bin/tools/foamConfigurePaths \
-project-path "/opt/openfoam2406" \
-boost boost-system \
-cgal cgal-system \
-fftw fftw-system \
-kahip kahip-none \
-scotch scotch-system \
-scotch-path /usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi \
Using this tool has some restrictions:
- It must be called from the OpenFOAM project directory
- It is not available in the PATH, since it we wish to avoid any inadvertent use
- Using this tool to change default gcc, gmp, mpfr versions is not very precise. It will change the gcc version without distinguishing between Gcc48, Gcc82 etc.
Working in groups
When an OpenFOAM cluster installation is being used by several
different people or interest groups it can be highly interesting to
share common setups or custom libraries and applications. This is
where the OpenFOAM site (group) configuration can be quite helpful.
The directory location of OpenFOAM site settings is defined by the
environment variable. If this is undefined, the
default is to use PROJECT/site
(ie, a site directory located within
the OpenFOAM directory). Within this $WM_PROJECT_SITE
directory, we
can use a directory structure that mirrors elements of the OpenFOAM
directory structure, but which also includes a degree of versioning as
|-- API
| |-- bin
| \-- etc
| \-- platforms
| |-- bin
| \-- lib
|-- bin
\-- etc
Useful OpenFOAM-related scripts can be placed in the bin directory. If the script can only work with a particular OpenFOAM version, it then makes sense to place it into the API/bin directory accordingly. Similarly, if particular configurations or setups are useful for several people, it makes sense to locate them centrally as a site (or group) resource. For example,
\-- etc
|-- caseDicts
|-- openmpi
\-- paraview
for some jointly useful caseDicts and suitable configurations for openmpi, paraview.
The foamEtcFile -list
option provides a good overview of which
locations will be searched for configuration files, which uses the
following precedence:
- user:
- group:
- other:
If applications and libraries are to be shared within a group, a typical approach is that one person is in charge of administering the the internal code releases. They would compile the code in their normal user directories, which means that it would normally have the user destinations:
For distribution at the group level, these files would be synchronized to the corresponding group directories:
Additional information
The bashrc
or cshrc
files source the following files in the
: finalize setup of OpenFOAM environment (called by bashrc,cshrc) -
: core settings -
: aliases for interactive shells -
: sourced to clear as many OpenFOAM environment settings as possible -
: MPI communications library settings -
: application settings for ParaView -
: application settings for compiling against scotch -
: application settings for compiling against metis
The config.{csh,sh}/example/
directories contain additional example
configuration files for the corresponding shell:
: an example of fine tuning ThirdParty compiler settings -
: an example of fine tuning openmpi settings for OpenFOAM -
: an example of chaining to the standard config/paraview with a different ParaView_VERSION -
: examples of supplying alternative site-defined settings
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