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  • Kutalmış Berçin's avatar
    BUG: fix QRMatrix (#1261, #1240) · af0e454c
    Kutalmış Berçin authored
        QRMatrix (i.e. QR decomposition, QR factorisation or orthogonal-triangular
        decomposition) decomposes a scalar/complex matrix \c A into the following
        matrix product:
            A = Q*R,
         \c Q is a unitary similarity matrix,
         \c R is an upper triangular matrix.
        Input types:
         - \c A can be a \c SquareMatrix<Type> or \c RectangularMatrix<Type>
        Output types:
         - \c Q is always of the type of the matrix \c A
         - \c R is always of the type of the matrix \c A
        Options for the output forms of \c QRMatrix (for an (m-by-n) input matrix
        \c A with k = min(m, n)):
         - outputTypes::FULL_R:     computes only \c R                   (m-by-n)
         - outputTypes::FULL_QR:    computes both \c R and \c Q          (m-by-m)
         - outputTypes::REDUCED_R:  computes only reduced \c R           (k-by-n)
        Options where to store \c R:
         - storeMethods::IN_PLACE:        replaces input matrix content with \c R
         - storeMethods::OUT_OF_PLACE:    creates new object of \c R
        Options for the computation of column pivoting:
         - colPivoting::FALSE:            switches off column pivoting
         - colPivoting::TRUE:             switches on column pivoting
        Direct solution of linear systems A x = b is possible by solve() alongside
        the following limitations:
         - \c A         = a scalar square matrix
         - output type  = outputTypes::FULL_QR
         - store method = storeMethods::IN_PLACE
        - QR decomposition is not unique if \c R is not positive diagonal \c R.
        - The option combination:
          - outputTypes::REDUCED_R
          - storeMethods::IN_PLACE
          will not modify the rows of input matrix \c A after its nth row.
        - Both FULL_R and REDUCED_R QR decompositions execute the same number of
          operations. Yet REDUCED_R QR decomposition returns only the first n rows
          of \c R if m > n for an input m-by-n matrix \c A.
        - For m <= n, FULL_R and REDUCED_R will produce the same matrices