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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: support vtu mesh subsetting, creation from cellShapes · a0d79333
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - support simple mesh subsetting to vtu formats to enable debug output
      for a subsection of an existing polyMesh
    - rudimentary support for VTK from cellShapes is intended for handling
      basic primitive cell shapes without a full blown polyMesh description.
      For example,
         // Create an empty polyMesh with points only
         polyMesh debugMesh
             faceList(),     // faces
             labelList(),    // owner
             labelList(),    // neighbour
             true            // syncPar
        // Establish the appropriate VTK sizing for the TET shapes
        vtk::vtuCells vtuCells;
      Since the vtk::internalMeshWriter only uses the polyMesh reference
      for the points, it is also possible to create the vtuCells
      description without a pointField (or from a different mesh
      description) and write out the connectivity using the pointField
      from a different mesh.