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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: new IntRange class, enhancements to labelRange, sliceRange · d204d33c
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - add reverse iterators and replace std::iterator
      (deprecated in C++17) with full definitions
    - simplify construction of iterators
    - construct labelRange from a single single parameter.
      This creates a (0,len) range.
    - make basic constructors forms constexpr.
      Remove unused size checks.
    - Derive labelRange from new IntRange template class.
      Allows reuse of base functionality with different integral sizes.
      - deprecate labelRange::valid() in favour of using
        labelRange::empty() or the bool operator.
        For example,
            if (range) ...  vs older  if (range.valid()) ...
    DEFEATURE: drop labelRange::null, scalarRange::null static variables
    - turned out to be not particularly useful.
      Can simply use constexpr contructor forms
    DEFEATURE: drop labelRange::identity static method
    - simply use the single-parameter constructor