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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: relocate/refactor fvMeshSubset · cf7dbf4d
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - direct construct and reset method for creating a zero-sized (dummy)
      subMesh. Has no exposed faces and no parallel synchronization
    - core mapping (interpolate) functionality with direct handling
      of subsetting in fvMeshSubset (src/finiteVolume).
      Does not use dynamicMesh topology changes
    - two-step subsetting as fvMeshSubsetter (src/dynamicMesh).
      Does use dynamicMesh topology changes.
      This is apparently only needed by the subsetMesh application itself.
    DEFEATURE: remove deprecated setLargeCellSubset() method
    - was deprecated JUL-2018, now removed (see issue #951)