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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: general boundBox/treeBoundBox improvements · 1339c335
    Mark OLESEN authored and Andrew Heather's avatar Andrew Heather committed
    - null() static method
      * as const reference to the invertedBox with the appropriate casting.
    - boundBox inflate(random)
      * refactored from treeBoundBox::extend, but allows in-place modification
    - boundBox::hexFaces() instead of boundBox::faces
      * rarely used, but avoids confusion with treeBoundBox::faces
        and reuses hexCell face definitions without code duplication
    - boundBox::hexCorners() for corner points corresponding to a hexCell.
      Can also be accessed from a treeBoundBox without ambiguity with
      points(), which could be hex corners (boundBox) or octant corners
    - boundBox::add with pairs of points
      * convenient (for example) when adding edges or a 'box' that has
        been extracted from a primitive mesh shape.
    - declare boundBox nPoints(), nFaces(), nEdges() as per hexCell
    ENH: return invertedBox instead of FatalError for empty trees
    - similar to #2612
    ENH: cellShape(HEX, ...) + boundBox hexCorners for block meshes