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  • Vaggelis Papoutsis's avatar
    ENH: added new objective functions · 80f385a3
    Vaggelis Papoutsis authored and Andrew Heather's avatar Andrew Heather committed
    - flowRate: volume flow-rate through given patches
    - flowRatePartition: distribution of the inlet flow-rate to certain
      outlet patches, with given percentages
    - uniformityPatch: uniformity of the velocity field at given (outlet) patches,
      expressed as (half) the variance of the velocity field
    - uniformityCellZone: same as uniformityPatch, but defined over
    - powerDissipation: the fluid power dissipation taking place within
      given cellZones. In the absence of viscous stress at the "inlets" and
      "outlets" of the cellZones, this corresponds to the volume flow-rate
      weighted total pressure losses through the cellZones
    ENH: updated nutSqr so it can be used with adjointkOmegaSST too