Mark OLESEN authored
- can specify rotations that are not "axes" in a compact form: transform { origin (0 0 0); rotation none; } transform { origin (0 0 0); rotation axisAngle; axis (0 0 1); angle 45; } An expanded dictionary form also remains possible: transform { origin (0 0 0); rotation { type axisAngle; axis (0 0 1); angle 45; } } STYLE: verbose deprecation for "coordinateRotation" keyword - the "coordinateRotation" keyword was replaced by the "rotation" keyword (OpenFOAM-v1812 and later) but was handled silently. Now elevated to non-silent. STYLE: alias lookups "axesRotation", "EulerRotation", "STARCDRotation" - these warn and report the equivalent short form, which aids in upgrading. Previously had silent lookups.