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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: provide UPstream intra-host and inter-host communicators · 80bc1db5
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - simplifies communication structuring with intra-host communication.
      Can be used for IO only, or for specialised communication.
      Demand-driven construction. Gathers the SHA1 of host names when
      determining the connectivity. Internally uses an MPI_Gather of the
      digests and a MPI_Bcast of the unique host indices.
        does not use MPI_Comm_splt or MPI_Comm_splt_type since these
        return MPI_COMM_NULL on non-participating process which does not
        easily fit into the OpenFOAM framework.
        Additionally, if using the caching version of
        UPstream::commInterHost() and UPstream::commIntraHost()
        the topology is determined simultaneously
        (ie, equivalent or potentially lower communication).