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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: partly align globalIndex and CompactListList methods · 507805c3
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - CompactListList::size() corresponds to the number of sub-lists
      whereas globalIndex::size() corresponds to the totalSize().
      This difference can lead to potential coding errors when switching
      between pure addressing (eg globalIndex) and addressing with content
      (eg, CompactListList).
      Within the source tree, there are no longer any occurances of
      globalIndex::size() but it is nonetheless unsafe to change its
      meaning now. Instead provide a commonly named length() method that
      corresponds to the natural length: ie, the number of offsets minus 1
      (with guards).
    - add CompactListList::writeMatrix for writing the compact contents
      in an unpacked form (eg, for debugging) without actually needing to
      unpack into storage.
    - provide globalIndex::whichProcID() two-parameter version
      with myProcNo as the first argument.
      Symmetric with isLocal etc, useful when using a communicator
      that is not worldComm.