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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: extend mpiAllGather to include integer and float types · 88182011
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - was previously limited to 'char' whereas gatherv/scatterv
      already supported various integer and float types
    STYLE: rebundle allToAll declarations with macros
    ENH: provide a version of allToAllConsensus returning the Map
    - simplifies use and avoids ambiguities in the send/recv parameters
    - the Map version will now also transmit zero value data if they exist
      in the Map. Unlike the List version, zero values are not necessary to
      signal connectivity with a Map.
    COMP: forwarding template parameters for NBX routines
    ENH: consolidate PstreamBuffers size exchange options
    - had a variety of nearly identical backends for all-to-all,
      gather/scatter. Now combined internally with a dispatch enumeration
      which provides better control over which size exchange algorithm
      is used.
    DEFEATURE: remove experimental full-NBX PstreamBuffers variant
    - no advantages seen compared to the hybrid NBX/PEX approach.
      Removal reduces some code cruft.
    DEFEATURE: remove experimental "double non-blocking" NBX version
    - the idea was to avoid blocking receives for very large data transfers,
      but that is usually better accomplished with a hybrid NBX/PEX approach
      like PstreamBuffers allows