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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: mapDistribute consistency improvements · 539d538d
    Mark OLESEN authored and Mark OLESEN's avatar Mark OLESEN committed
    - nonBlocking: receive before send
    - nonBlocking: wait for receive requests, process and then wait for
      other requests. Can be extended to use polling...
    - the 'fake' send (to self) now send copies into recv buffers instead
      of send buffers.
      This provides a clear separation of send and receive fields
    - avoid unnecessary reallocations with PtrList of send/recv buffers
    - remove outer looping for accessAndFlip and pass target field
      as parameter for inner looping instead
    ENH: refine mapDistribute send/recv requests handling
    - separate send/recv requests for finer control
    - receive does not need access to PtrList of sendBuffers, since the
      send-to-self now uses the recvBuffers