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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: error handling for empty surfaces in surfaceFieldValue (#2966) · 2e3f0811
    Mark OLESEN authored and Andrew Heather's avatar Andrew Heather committed
    - for workflows with appearing/disappearing patches (for example)
      can specify that empty surfaces should be ignored or warned about
      instead of raising a FatalError.
      Note that this handling is additional to the regular top-level
      "errors" specification. So specifying 'strict' will only actually
      result in a FatalError if the "errors" does not trap errors.
    - "ignore" : any empty surfaces are simply ignored and no
      file output (besides the header).
    - "warn" : empty surfaces are warned about a few times (10)
      and the file output contains a NaN entry
    - "strict" : corresponds to the default behaviour.
      Throws a FatalError if the surface is empty.
      This error may still be caught by the top-level "errors" handling.