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  • Andrew Heather's avatar
    ENH: runTimeControl - enable resetting the trigger to an earlier instant · bb04f575
    Andrew Heather authored and Mark OLESEN's avatar Mark OLESEN committed
    The runTimeControl function object can activate further function objects using
    triggers. Previously the trigger index could only advance; this change set
    allows users to set smaller values to enable function object recycling, e.g.
    Repeat for N cycles:
    1. average the pressure at a point in space
    2. when the average stabilises, run for a further 100 iterations
    3. set a new patch inlet velocity
      - back to (1)
    - Removes old default behaviour that only permitted an increase in the
      trigger level. This type of 'ratcheting' mechanism (if required) is
      now the responsibility of the derived function object.