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  • Andrew Heather's avatar
    ENH: Added new limitTurbulenceViscosity fvOption · f93b4338
    Andrew Heather authored
    Corrects turbulence viscosity field (e.g. nut) within a specified
    region by applying a maximum limit, set according to a coefficient
    multiplied by the laminar viscosity:
        \nu_{t,max} = c \nu
    Corrections applied to:
      nut  | Turbulence vicosity                   [m2/s2]
        Minimal example by using \c constant/fvOptions:
            // Mandatory entries (unmodifiable)
            type            limitTurbulenceViscosity;
            // Optional entries (runtime modifiable)
            nut             nut;
            c               1e5;
            // Mandatory/Optional (inherited) entries