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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: more consistent use of broadcast, combineReduce etc. · 473e1441
    Mark OLESEN authored and Andrew Heather's avatar Andrew Heather committed
      - broadcast           : (replaces scatter)
      - combineReduce       == combineGather + broadcast
      - listCombineReduce   == listCombineGather + broadcast
      - mapCombineReduce    == mapCombineGather + broadcast
      - allGatherList       == gatherList + scatterList
      Before settling on a more consistent naming convention,
      some intermediate namings were used in OpenFOAM-v2206:
        - combineReduce       (2206: combineAllGather)
        - listCombineReduce   (2206: listCombineAllGather)
        - mapCombineReduce    (2206: mapCombineAllGather)