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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: memory/efficiency improvements: renumbering, bandCompression (#2430) · c7f4ba19
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - support direct processing of CompactListList instead of requiring
      a conversion to labelListList for bandCompression and renumbering
    - manage FIFO with CircularBuffer instead of SLList (avoids
      allocations in inner loops). Invert logic to use a bitSet of
      unvisited cells, which improves looping as the matrix becomes more
    - fix missed weighting in bandCompression (same as #1376).
      In polyTopoChange, handle removed cells immediately to simplify
      the logic and align more closely with bandCompression.
    STYLE: enclose bandCompression within meshTools namespace
    ENH: PrimitivePatch pointFaces with DynamicList instead of SLList