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  • Andrew Heather's avatar
    ENH: Added new createViewFactors utility · ab5f6dbf
    Andrew Heather authored and Kutalmış Berçin's avatar Kutalmış Berçin committed
    Creates view factors for the view factor radiation model.
    User-selectable models:
    - raySearchEngine: model to generate rays, i.e. face-to-face connections
    - viewFactorModel: model to compute the view factors
    For visualisation, use:
    - Write the view factors as a volume field
        writeViewFactors    yes;
    - Write the rays using OBJ format:
        writeRays       yes; // default = no
    Participating patches must be in the \c vewFactorWall group, i.e. using the
    \c inGroups entry of the "\<case\>/polyMesh/boundary" file.
        type            wall;
        inGroups        2(wall viewFactorWall);
    - <constant>/viewFactorsDict : main controls
    - <constant>/finalAgglom : agglomeration addressing (from faceAgglomerate)
    - <constant>/F : view factors (matrix)
    - <constant>/mapDist : map used for parallel running
    - <constant>/globalFaceFaces : face addressing