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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: improve findInstance handling for optional files · d578d48a
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - previously would always return "constant" as the instance for
      an optional dir/file that wasn't found.
      However, this meant retesting to screen out false positives.
      Now support an additional parameter
          'bool constant_fallback = ...'
      to return "constant" or an empty word.
      The method signature changes slightly with a new optional bool
          //! Return \c "constant" instead of \c "" if the search failed
          const bool constant_fallback = true
    ENH: code consolidation for findInstancePath
    - relocate from Time to TimePaths and provide an additional static
      version that is reused in fileOperations
    BUG: distributedTriSurfaceMesh:::findLocalInstance broken (#3135)
    - was not checking the parent at all.
    COMP: remove unused findInstancePath(const fileName&, ..) method