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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: improve OFstream append behaviour (#3160) · ee895577
    Mark OLESEN authored and Kutalmış Berçin's avatar Kutalmış Berçin committed
    - previous support for file appending (largely unused) always
      specified opening with the std::ios_base::app flag.
      Now differentiate between append behaviours:
      Corresponds to std::ios_base::app behaviour:
      - Existing files will be preserved and a seek-to-end is performed at
        every write. With this mode seeks/repositioning within the file
        will effectively be ignored on output.
      Largely approximates std::ios_base::ate behaviour:
      - Existing files will be preserved and a seek-to-end is performed
        immediately after opening, but not subsequently. Can use seekp()
        to overwrite parts of a file.