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  • Victor Olesen's avatar
    ENH: support general searchable spheroid (issue #1901) · e9d130f0
    Victor Olesen authored and Mark OLESEN's avatar Mark OLESEN committed
    - a sphere/spheroid can be specified as a single radius or three radii.
      If all three values happen to be identical, they are collapsed to a
      single value. Examples,
          radius 2;
          radius (2 2 2);
          radius (2 3 4);
          radius (2 2 4);
      The search for nearest point on an ellipse or ellipsoid follows the
      description given by Geometric Tools (David Eberly), which also
      include some pseudo code. The content is CC-BY 4.0
      In the search algorithm, symmetry is exploited and the searching is
      confined to the first (+x,+y,+z) octant, and the radii are ordered
      from largest to smallest.
      Searching is optimized for sphere, prolate and oblate spheroids.