Both porosity-based and level-set-based topO frameworks are included through the topO and levelSet designVariables, respectively. Both frameworks work by manipulating an underlying field of design variables, defined in all cells of the computational domain. That field is then regularised through a Helmholtz-like filter, before being processed in a different way from the two topO frameworks (the porosity-based topO sharpens/projects it while the level-set-based topO computes signed distances around its zero iso-surface). The result of this processing is then fed into functions that define source terms to be added to the mean flow and turbulence model equations, to block off/solidify parts of the mesh that are counterproductive with respect to the objective function. These source terms are added through fvOptions. Since the designed walls are only simulated through source terms, the outcome of topO should be re-analyzed on a body-fitted grid, to quantify the actual gain in the objective function. Both topO frameworks output the designed wall in STL format which can be used, for instance with snappyHexMesh, to construct such a body fitted grid.