cd ${0%/*} || exit 1 # Run from this directory
# Parse arguments for library compilation
. ../wmake/scripts/AllwmakeParseArguments
# Perform various checks
wmakeCheckPwd "$WM_PROJECT_DIR/src" || {
echo "Allwmake error: Current directory is not \$WM_PROJECT_DIR/src"
echo " The environment variables are inconsistent with the installation."
echo " Check the OpenFOAM entries in your dot-files and source them."
exit 1
[ -n "$FOAM_EXT_LIBBIN" ] || {
echo "Allwmake error: FOAM_EXT_LIBBIN not set"
echo " Check the OpenFOAM entries in your dot-files and source them."
exit 1
# Update OpenFOAM version strings if required
wmakePrintBuild -check || wrmo OpenFOAM/global/global.o 2>/dev/null
wmakeLnInclude OSspecific/${WM_OSTYPE:-POSIX}
Pstream/Allwmake $targetType $*
OSspecific/${WM_OSTYPE:-POSIX}/Allwmake $targetType $*
wmake $targetType OpenFOAM
wmake $targetType fileFormats
wmake $targetType surfMesh
wmake $targetType triSurface
wmake $targetType meshTools
# Decomposition methods needed by dummyThirdParty
# (dummy metisDecomp, scotchDecomp etc) needed by e.g. meshTools
Andrew Heather
dummyThirdParty/Allwmake $targetType $*
wmakeLnInclude fvOptions
wmake $targetType finiteVolume
wmake $targetType lagrangian/basic
wmake $targetType lagrangian/distributionModels
wmake $targetType genericPatchFields
wmake $targetType conversion
wmake $targetType mesh/extrudeModel
wmake $targetType dynamicMesh
wmake $targetType dynamicFvMesh
wmake $targetType topoChangerFvMesh
# Compile scotchDecomp, metisDecomp etc.
parallel/Allwmake $targetType $*
wmake $targetType ODE
wmake $targetType randomProcesses
transportModels/Allwmake $targetType $*
thermophysicalModels/Allwmake $targetType $*
TurbulenceModels/Allwmake $targetType $*
wmake $targetType combustionModels
regionModels/Allwmake $targetType $*
lagrangian/Allwmake $targetType $*
mesh/Allwmake $targetType $*
renumber/Allwmake $targetType $*
fvAgglomerationMethods/Allwmake $targetType $*
wmake $targetType fvMotionSolver
wmake $targetType engine
wmake $targetType fvOptions
wmake $targetType regionCoupled
functionObjects/Allwmake $targetType $*
wmake $targetType sixDoFRigidBodyMotion
wmake $targetType rigidBodyMeshMotion